communication is key, y’all. 😉 Took a mini road trip and had the chance to visit Travis and his shop, @LaughingWatersGifts in Rochester, MN..
After serving time for a cannabis conviction, Travis is now an extremely passionate advocate for the non profit Freedom Grow - Bringing Light To A Dark Cell as one of the very few Minnesota Volunteers for the National Organization. *GET INVOLVED!*
Due to Travis's intense grassroots networking efforts this summer, the Twin Cities have now been informed of Freedom Grow, and they will be one of the HIGHlighted Non-Profits at this years Legacy Cup! Be sure to visit both Freedom Grows booth, and Travis's personal "Laughing Waters" table.
Thanks for the good hearted conversation, Travis! Hope to link up to educate down in Rochester, soon.
Learn more about how Freedom Grow helps cannabis prisoners HERE:
